
Port Coogee Slab

Curved Landscape

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Nine large concrete panels were designed and constructed as a landscape feature forming part of the walkway that was installed in the Port Coogee, marina. The decorative curved feature was cast in relief to work in contrast with the attractive exposed aggregate surface of the concrete.

Specially prefabricated EPS foam moulds were profile cut using CNC cutting equipment to create individual moulds with their own unique pattern spanning 4.0M X 2.7M. The EPS foam moulds were coated with a Polyurethane Elastomer hard-coat system to enhance the surface finish of the mould. The advantage of the hard-coat system is that it added a different texture to the surface finish of the concrete, high lighting the stone aggregate in the panels creating an aesthetically pleasing result. The decorative walkway feature covers a massive 97 m2 surface area that overhangs the water that offers a fantastic viewing point for visitors.


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